Author : Temu Gbenedio

Dreamy Destination Wedding Gifts

The dreamiest destination wedding! We were beyond honoured to create the bridal party gifts for Ellena and Stephen’s big day. Their wedding was a real life fairy tale set in Methoni- Greece. The couple wanted to gift their bridesmaids and groomsmen with something practical, thoughtful and unique to show their appreciation. As a starting point […]

How to Calm The Chaos at Home

We have all heard of the well-known saying Home is where the heart is… Staring 2021 in lockdown may not have been what most of us envisioned for the New Year. Nonetheless we have continued with the ‘new normal’ and for some this includes; Working from Home, running a business or even home schooling. Juggling […]

Something blue ideas

“Something borrowed, something blue, something old something new”. We all know the saying but when it comes down to it, it is not so easy to think of stylish ways to incorporate each one into your wedding. We asked some of our customers which they thought was the hardest to add to a wedding effortlessly […]

Valentines gifts for him

Whether it is early days or long-term relationship, buying gifts for your other half comes with added pressure. What do they want? What do they need? and what if you end up getting it wrong? Well hopefully not. Gone are the days of gimmicky gifts – It’s time to spoil your man in style. Up […]

Boss lady goals for 2018

New year – New goals. One thing I have learnt is that resolutions are pointless unless you turn them into goals. Realistic, aspirational and positive goal setting is important. It helps us to prioritise and plan ahead. To some, it is a way to ensure growth in personal life and business. I always start my […]

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