Once upon a time, in a small corner of the world, a dear friend of mine embarked on the beautiful yet challenging journey of motherhood. As she navigated the rollercoaster of emotions that often come after giving birth, she found herself battling with postnatal depression. Amidst the sea of gifts she received for her new born, there seemed to be a void in offerings that catered to her own well-being. It was in this moment that the seed for our gift box company was planted.
With a heart full of compassion and a desire to make a difference, I curated a special hamper for her, filled with new mum essentials aimed at nurturing her physical and emotional health. This thoughtful gesture not only brought comfort to her, but also sparked a glimmer of hope in her eyes.
Slowly but surely, the idea blossomed as friends and family witnessed the impact of these thoughtfully curated gifts. Before we knew it, orders for these soulful hampers started pouring in, especially for baby showers. And just like that, our humble beginnings grew into a blossoming venture, offering a diverse range of self-care gifts for all of life’s precious moments.