Dried flower bouquet


his stunning natural and pink coloured Dried Flower Bouquet will captivate the senses and bring a touch of nature’s beauty into any space.

This bouquet features an assortment of dried plants, including elegant palm spears and luxurious pampas grass, carefully curated to create a harmonious and eye-catching display.

Each bouquet comes adorned with a ribbon making it the perfect gift.


Please allow at least 48 hours for all orders to be processed.

  • Standard shipping – 3 to 5 working days from dispatch date – £3.99
  • First Class shipping – 2 to 3 working days from dispatch date – £12.99

This applies to UK / mainland shipping addresses only. For international deliveries, please email us at
ribbonandbowstore@gmail.com so we can provide the best shipping rates.

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